Saturday, December 17, 2011

#48 - Adam Bomb

- Punny name? Check

- Short shorts? Check

- Bulge? Check

- Cool glasses? Check

Adam Bomb meets all four of the main criteria set forth by the Queen Victoria Governing Body of Grappling that necessitate a star. Let's not even forget about his off the charts charisma that helped Adam Bomb sell out hallowed halls such as Madison Square Garden and Omni. With his combination of power and speed, Adam Bomb became one of the biggest stars in WWF history. His merchandise per capita far exceeded that of even Hulk Hogan; not bad for a man who saw his career cut short do to the MRSA virus.

While Adam Bomb was a house hold name in the United States, his popularity in Japan was even greater. With the Japanese people still holding great reverence for the atomic bomb that wiped away a great percentage of their population during a crippling economic downturn, Adam Bomb became emblematic of the way they held Americans in high esteem in the 40s.

For those reasons, and many more, Adam Bomb checks in at #48 on our list.

And that bulge. Mmm that bulge.

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